Little Wonder

Little Wonder

About Me

My photo
I am a dreamer! I am a wife to my amazing husband who always shines for me. I am a mom, which is full of teachable moments, challenges, and great endevours. I am a great friend. I am ME! A human full of love...always looking for inspiration and joy in the small things and the things that surprise me most. I am to be a great many things...writer, photographer and whatever my heart desires.

Friday, February 18, 2011


13! OMG...I can hardly believe that my first born, my baby is a teenager. Adam you are such an amazing young man. Looking so handsome and grown up.
Some of the things I will always remember about you: How your soother went with you blanket. How you love soft things. Your school bus was one of your favorite toys. The way you used to line up all your toy cars in a row. Baking cookies with you and having you stand on a chair when you where so little and now we stand side by side. Mostly I just watch as you cook and bake on your own now. I loved watching you learn to read. Use your imagination and play with your little brother. You still do all these's just different now. It's watching you play guitar. Draw with detail and more character. Play video games with your brother.
You value your own space. Take pride in the things you own. Love your puppies so much. The way you love your family and open your heart to others. Bring laughter and smiles to our lives. You are constantly surprising us and yourself. I hope you always feel free to be yourself. Stand strong for what you believe in. Dream bigger than you could have imagined. Do what makes you happy and know we are always here for you.
To guide, to support, to cheer on!
I just want to thank Pam Dykstra for capturing this moment for me.
Because it really wasn't about Adam. It was more about me. I remember the 1st pictures we had done at Sears. Sitting back and watching Adam from afar. Not really having a chance to look at this beautiful kid. As the pictures were being taking of my 1 month old boy and popping up on the screen to view. I really got to see Adam in a different way. That was my boy...OUR SON.
Pam, you recaptured that moment again. I got to stand back and not be in control...I got to enjoy the moment. Really look at this child of mine and see the changes and how this is my boy...our son. He's just older and bigger, but all ours. Born into our lives with so much love. I was definately not perpared for that kind of love...who new a heart could be so big.
For my Adam...I love you. We love you! You are one on a kind and all ours forever.
Thank you for YOU!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A day for love

Valentine's Day for us isn't about a night out for dinner,
a date at the movies or all that other stuff.
Valentime's Day is about Love.
Our love created a family.
So the table was set for 4 with candles, chocolate treats, and cinnimon hearts. Aaaaaawe how romantic, right? Then the door bell rings and dinner is delivered. The boys are called and peel themselves from there pleasures of TV or computer to join us.
"Happy Valentine's Day!"...
We ate a delicious meal. Something special for everyone. Jay even went out and surprised us with one of my favorite desserts. Mmmmm....DQ ice cream cake!
The best part of the evening was watching some of our home videos. The kids so small, only 6 and 4 years old. Listening to the way there voices sounded. Adam reading his kindergarten book. Justin being a complete goof. Seeing the boys excited about bringing there 1st puppy (Brady) home. Our boys loving each other and playing together.
Here we sat so many years later, the 4 of us AND the 2 dogs snuggled up on the couch, enjoying the old memories while making a new one.
Oh my gosh...we laughed till we cried.
Our Valentine's Day may not have been as romantic as some,
but it was DEFINATELY filled with LOVE!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Change of pace

Ok! So I have decided that New Years Resolutions are bogus. Why do we set ourselves up to fail? I mean it's all good to set goals, but seriously. (I can barely stay committed to my dogs and we've had them for to long as far I am concerned.) When you look at the grand sceme of things and factor in life, well that's just a big fat "Thhhhhh"...raspberries.
I have realized I am a short term committer. Although I plan to accomplish ALL my 2011 goals. I think something more realistic is maybe taking it month by month.
One of my goals this year is to have a positive attitude. I have to admit that's a really hard one. I don't think I am a negative person...I think I am a realist. The thing is everyone goes through struggle and I know not everyday can be rainbows and sunshine. I am grateful for each day and try to see the good in all things. I cherish the moments when my heart is touched by something special and enjoy the blessings in my life. I think sometimes I put to much pressure on myself, and when struggles come I lose all faith and the knowledge that this to shall pass. goal is meditate in those moments and reset. To see that this is just a moment. There is something I can take from it and learn....and do better. I want to live a positive life for me and my family. Look for the one blessing in that stuggle and see the light is there at the end of the tunnel and then rejoice!
I have realized that my journal is not quite as full as I would like it to be and with only 2 entries...well I better get going. The point of that was to record the things in a day that made it better or that milestone I knew was coming, but somehow still managed to sneak up on me. To go back a re-read the great things that happened to me in my life. So that is goal #2! Journal and count blessings.
I also have to have more "stop everythings"...this is something my 2 BFF's and I used to do back in the days when our kids where little and we were all on mat-leave and all you ladies out there know how important that support is. So we would do the random call and say, "STOP EVERYTHING! I am coming over and we are doing something special". I miss those days. However, I can recreate them for myself.
My goal #3 is to STOP and sit. Drink a hot tea and read.
Because I am tired of drinking cold tea.
I have got to take time for Denise. As great as it is to chat on the phone. It's never as good and having a girls night. Just sitting, having wine or tea. Planning or venting. The point is just to be where she is makes my heart happy.
Goal #4 girls night!
Also, I am determined to learn the ins and outs of my camera. Really become one with the Canon 30D. Goal #5 learn and challenge myself!
Goal #6 is to just breathe!
These are the things I aspire to do. Goals that will hopefully become habits and leave room for something new. All I can do is my best. Have good intentions and aspire to be more than average. We all have greatness in our destiny.
The journey is the adventure!