Little Wonder

Little Wonder

About Me

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I am a dreamer! I am a wife to my amazing husband who always shines for me. I am a mom, which is full of teachable moments, challenges, and great endevours. I am a great friend. I am ME! A human full of love...always looking for inspiration and joy in the small things and the things that surprise me most. I am to be a great many things...writer, photographer and whatever my heart desires.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Grandpa

This is my Grandpa! I have so many wonderful memories of him and my Grandma. Spending summers camping in there little trailer, playing in the backyard on the swing set, baking in the kitchen with grandma...we made blueberry pancakes, blueberry muffins, and juiced till you couldn't juice no more. She would perm my hair in her yellow cupboarded kitchen and in the winter and we would listen to Nana Mascuri...'Little Toy Trains' favorite song. Grandma loved to sew and I would go downstairs and watch her pin and sew, hoping something was for me.

Grandpa and I did different stuff. We used to head out on one of his many motor cycles and we would ride. I felt so cool on the back of his bike. My arms hugged around his waist. We'd drive down Main Street and then out on the highway. He would take me up and down, on and off the exit ramps...around and around in circles till I felt sick and couldn't take one more turn. Then we would secretly head over to Dairy Queen for a treat...he would have a buster bar and I would get a dilly bar. Sometimes we had dip cones. It was our thing we shared. We used to walk a good old dog 'streaker'. I would watch him tinker in the basement. Fixing odds and ends. I loved visiting him at CP Rail were he used to work. Monoriting the trains and telling me which trains were sleeping.

Grandpa used to take me to the musuem...I loved it there. He would show me how they used to run the trains and we'd go up into the trains. He even has one of his old motor cycles in there.

When Grandpa retired from CP Rail he got a job and a security guard and the mall. I love going to the mall with my friends for fries at 'Calocole Junction'...there walking by would be my Grandpa. We always met with a big hug and a short conversation.

My Grandpa was the coolest Grandpa riding his crotch rocket with the red seat...zooming down the streets of MJ. His trade mark to other motorcyclists was a 'beep beep' on the horn of his motorcyle and a jerky thumbs up. It didn't matter if you were just another joe on a bike or a hell's would get that signal.

Grandpa is a quite man with few words, but a heart full of love...for his wife, his kids, his MANY grandkids and now his great grandkids.
We love you so!
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