This paticular time my inspiration comes from this ray of sunshine. My former younger superior...my friend, Corinne ( or as I refer to her...Corinnee-poo).
You Corinne are an amazing young women. You never seize to amaze me and continually inspire me. You are a hard worker, a student, an Auntie, a sister, a daughter, a wife and an amazing friend. You stop at nothing to make others come first.
You have inspired me to leap! Reminded me to enjoy what is right infront of you. Embrace the moment...seize the day...dream BIG! Challenge myself. Believe I can.
You have joined a world only so many know of and become a great supporter. You have choosen to sacrifice a bit of everything you know for a great adventure. Not only in life, but in being with your hubby. I am so glad we have this special connection between us. I hope you embrace this time. Take it for what it is. Know that you are only a phone call or IM away.
Some memories I will always cherish are: Off tune singing...loudly at front cash. Movie in the park. The way you joined my family when you stole my boys hearts with your awesomeness. The stories...the laughs and the HUGS! If you know Corinne, you know she hugs like no bodies business!
You are a all around beautiful individual and I feel so bless to have shared these last 4 years with you. I know our friendship will continue to grow.
Always keep that sparkle in your eye. You have the power to touch peoples lives and leave an imprint on there heart.
I love you and miss you so. Till we meet again...
Hugs from my heart and gropes, too:0)