What was I doing for the summer when Grade 7 ended? Yikes...can I remember back that far? I was at St. Micheals school in Moose Jaw, SK. I said good-bye to my teachers Mr. Cater and Mr. Alice. I was recovering from burnt back that was the result of the year end class trip at Buffalo Pound lake. Donna K and I were sitting in a small dingy back to back floating around on the water for hours and we burnt our backs..well let's just say burnt is as understatement. We lived on Ominica E. I know I did my paper route...hung out at my Auntie Ruth's...she babysat my Brothers and Sister. IT WAS HOT! I am pretty sure that was a conserve water summer. I remember that "if it was yellow let it mellow, brown flush it down". Ruth's son Trevor and I road bikes, shot gophers, and tried to stay cool in the basement. We watched the movie Greece a million times, and I watched him play Atary...Just aged myself! I hung out with Charity my BFF and had sleep overs. I listened to my walkman. One of my favorite tapes was the beach boys. There was no downloading music. So I would have to put a tape in my boombox and press record when you heard you song play on the radio. Also we moved to the other side of town and I started at another new school in the fall for grade 8. The cool thing was my school was only 1/2 a block away, the bad news was I knew it was my last year of elementary and my high school was on the opposite side of town...a 1/2 hour bus ride away or 1 hour walk.
What will Adam's summer consist of? Hanging out with me for a week while we wait for Justin's school year to end. Sleep over's for sure with his buddies Shaner and Ben...Video games that are not mom approved, but 'A'-I am letting it go, because like Adam says..."Mom, you have to let me grow up sometime. I can't play Little Big Planet forever". Ya Ya! He loves that game.
'B'- we don't own any of those games....Anyhoo.
Adam loves listening to his ipod, playing apps, downloading new tunes and practicing guitar.
We will have our tenting adventure and take our bikes for the first time. There will be trail rides, hiking, and swimming in the lakes. Days to veg and hang with his brother doing what they love to do...Video Games. Drive-in movies and day trips here and there. Also waiting ever so patiently for the day Uncles and Jenny to come home from planting and finish off the summer. I think that trumps all things.
It will be a summer for reading. Learning about maturity. Teachable moments for me and for him. A summer of growth and realization that Adam is only 4 years away from graduation. Oh my..sniff!
This is a summer I have to soak in cause Adam is so right...he is growing up. He will always be my little boy, but letting go is going to be hard. This is a summer that is going to mean so much. A summer to bring us together and make us a force. A summer to enjoy and to take us back to what we have always had, no matter where we are...each other!
What will your summer bring?
(write me on FB and tell me:o)