Justin is so absolute!
He knows what he likes. If Justin has his mind set on something,
he just has to do it! be it! invent it!
Somethings I love about Justin are:
How you loved your "swinging baTman". How you wore your super hero PJ's all the time. How you tried to wear your spidey suit to kindergarten. How you had to wear "handsome pants" with a shirt and tie like Peter Parker. How you love your brother as your best friend. That you are a major hugger and so smoochy, like you saved all your love for us. That you have crazy spontaniousness and an energy for life that should be bottled and sold.
The way you are passionate about things that interest you like Ironman, Transformers, and Lego. You are a researcher, investigator, and planner.
The type that could take over the world someday.
You are an honest kid and treat others the way you want to be treated.
You are kind and thoughtful. You aren't afraid to be YOU!
Justin, you make us laugh with your quirky sense of humor and random thoughts.
You are the boy of a million expressions.
Your strong personality will take you to BIG places.
We are so proud of who you are and the loving boy you are. Thank you for making our life so exciting. Don't ever let anyone tell you who you are, because you are amazing.
I love you Bubba Jones, My Boo Boo...my boy.