Little Wonder

Little Wonder

About Me

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I am a dreamer! I am a wife to my amazing husband who always shines for me. I am a mom, which is full of teachable moments, challenges, and great endevours. I am a great friend. I am ME! A human full of love...always looking for inspiration and joy in the small things and the things that surprise me most. I am to be a great many things...writer, photographer and whatever my heart desires.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nose Bubbles

This is a really fun shot! My little man loving the water and showing me how he can blow nose bubbles.
This was a great day. Sunshine and snacks at the beach. Friends to hang with...Our 1st camping trip to Christina Lake. The weather was amazing! I watched my boys enjoy there vacation, swimming with there dad in the abyss...which was the deep water...the unknown. It was amazing how they bonded with the wonderful family who took us on this wonderful adventure.