Little Wonder

Little Wonder

About Me

My photo
I am a dreamer! I am a wife to my amazing husband who always shines for me. I am a mom, which is full of teachable moments, challenges, and great endevours. I am a great friend. I am ME! A human full of love...always looking for inspiration and joy in the small things and the things that surprise me most. I am to be a great many things...writer, photographer and whatever my heart desires.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hello Everyone....
I am very excited to be starting this adventure. I have decided that in my 35th year of being on this planet ...well 34 and 1/2...snicker....that my time is now!
So here I am with my wings spread open and I am ready to fly.

I am a mom of 2 boys, age 12 and very soon to be 10. They are my inspiration. They keep me young and remind me to use my imagination. Which I think helps me take better pictures.

I am aspiring to hone in on my talent and take chances.

I'd like to thank all of the wonderful people who have let me take pictures of there children or were excellent practice. Now it is time to get moving on my dream.

I hope you will enjoy the journey as I continue to capture the moments when Life Whisper's...