Little Wonder

Little Wonder

About Me

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I am a dreamer! I am a wife to my amazing husband who always shines for me. I am a mom, which is full of teachable moments, challenges, and great endevours. I am a great friend. I am ME! A human full of love...always looking for inspiration and joy in the small things and the things that surprise me most. I am to be a great many things...writer, photographer and whatever my heart desires.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Remembering Summer 2009

We are so fortunate to live in such a lovely place like British Columbia. Last summer the weather was so HOT and we spent many of those hot evenings down at the river. We went swimming and jumping off an abandoned tree that had come from somewhere up stream and landed in the perfect spot for all to enjoy.
So this picture is of Justin standing at the edge deciding if he's just going for it or wading in....tough call. Even though you are extremely hot, the water is extremely chilly.
I love this picture because it just says SUMMER and what that summer was to us. Family time and making new discoveries in the place we live. It was also about trying something new. Enjoy!