Little Wonder
About Me
- Andrea
- I am a dreamer! I am a wife to my amazing husband who always shines for me. I am a mom, which is full of teachable moments, challenges, and great endevours. I am a great friend. I am ME! A human full of love...always looking for inspiration and joy in the small things and the things that surprise me most. I am to be a great many things...writer, photographer and whatever my heart desires.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My 1st Wedding
This was a very exciting nerve racking day. My 1st WEDDING! I was the first and second shooter. In charge of the whole shabang. How amazing. Capturing all these special moments.
It was honestly the perfect day. The clouds parted and God shone his glorious light on us. I started the day with a drive out to the train station to capture and few pics of the groom. Leving was so adorable waiting for his bride. We had a lovely chat as we waited...and waited....and waited. I mean seriously have you ever known a bride to be on time...Pleeeease. Then the moment came. Jenise was here. The look on Levings face as he saw her for the first time. Those first pics so full of emotions and love. LOVE! That was really what the whole day was about.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Bridal Shower
This was such a fun day for me. I was lucky enough to be invited to this beautiful Bridal Shower. It was so fun being a fly on the wall. Being creative and taking those shots that captured the moment so perfectly. It was lovely to see the bride with her sister and there mom...what a connection. They had fun laughing and teasing each other. It was a beautiful sight to see.
The food was fabulous, the crowd made me laugh, and to be a small part of this lovely gift from one sister to another...a blessing.
Thank you for the oppurnity. I hope our paths cross again someday soon :o)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
A Horse Lover!
On a beautiful overcast day Ms. M and her mom (my BFF) came for a walk with us in the hopes to find some horses. Well, we did better than that...we found horses she could feed and pet! Did I mention the donkey family...HEEELLO! Bliss!
Seeing the joy on her face is such a gift. I feel so blessed to still have little ones in my life. They find pure pleasure in the simplest things. She reminds me that the smallest things are sometimes the biggest gifts!
Ms. M had a smile from ear to ear and that's the moment when Life Whispered!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Birchwood Dairy Farm
I scream, you scream...we all scream for ice cream! Aaah! Our favorite summer past time. Who doesn't love a scoop of there favorite flavor in a yummy waffle cone, regular cone or a bowl?
This is our favorite ice cream shop in the summer. The drive through the country is wonderful. The view is spectacular. The farm is fun for the kids. Old fashioned tractors to sit on. The animals in the petting pen...Goats were there this time. To top it all off the yummies ice cream treat. The are the things that make me smile!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
35th B-day
35! What does that mean to me? I'm not really sure. I thought I would be so many thing by now. I thought I would have gone to school, started my own business...capturing those perfect moments with my camera. Life has certainly taken a turn. Transferring here and there...
I guess 35 means I am where, I am in life because that's the plan. I have sacrificed to be a good Mom.
I HAVE captured moments...of my family, of things that matter most to me. My time to shine will come. Someday...I hope. Until then I will feel young and heart. Dream larger than myself. Know I made the right choices....and have FAITH in myself. My Mum did and does...that's why my middle name is Faith. She always knew!
Soooo Happy Birthday to me...a celebration of things to come and a future that goes beyond my wildest dreams!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
My Grandpa
This is my Grandpa! I have so many wonderful memories of him and my Grandma. Spending summers camping in there little trailer, playing in the backyard on the swing set, baking in the kitchen with grandma...we made blueberry pancakes, blueberry muffins, and juiced till you couldn't juice no more. She would perm my hair in her yellow cupboarded kitchen and in the winter and we would listen to Nana Mascuri...'Little Toy Trains' favorite song. Grandma loved to sew and I would go downstairs and watch her pin and sew, hoping something was for me.
Grandpa and I did different stuff. We used to head out on one of his many motor cycles and we would ride. I felt so cool on the back of his bike. My arms hugged around his waist. We'd drive down Main Street and then out on the highway. He would take me up and down, on and off the exit ramps...around and around in circles till I felt sick and couldn't take one more turn. Then we would secretly head over to Dairy Queen for a treat...he would have a buster bar and I would get a dilly bar. Sometimes we had dip cones. It was our thing we shared. We used to walk a good old dog 'streaker'. I would watch him tinker in the basement. Fixing odds and ends. I loved visiting him at CP Rail were he used to work. Monoriting the trains and telling me which trains were sleeping.
Grandpa used to take me to the musuem...I loved it there. He would show me how they used to run the trains and we'd go up into the trains. He even has one of his old motor cycles in there.
When Grandpa retired from CP Rail he got a job and a security guard and the mall. I love going to the mall with my friends for fries at 'Calocole Junction'...there walking by would be my Grandpa. We always met with a big hug and a short conversation.
My Grandpa was the coolest Grandpa riding his crotch rocket with the red seat...zooming down the streets of MJ. His trade mark to other motorcyclists was a 'beep beep' on the horn of his motorcyle and a jerky thumbs up. It didn't matter if you were just another joe on a bike or a hell's would get that signal.
Grandpa is a quite man with few words, but a heart full of love...for his wife, his kids, his MANY grandkids and now his great grandkids.
We love you so!
Grandpa and I did different stuff. We used to head out on one of his many motor cycles and we would ride. I felt so cool on the back of his bike. My arms hugged around his waist. We'd drive down Main Street and then out on the highway. He would take me up and down, on and off the exit ramps...around and around in circles till I felt sick and couldn't take one more turn. Then we would secretly head over to Dairy Queen for a treat...he would have a buster bar and I would get a dilly bar. Sometimes we had dip cones. It was our thing we shared. We used to walk a good old dog 'streaker'. I would watch him tinker in the basement. Fixing odds and ends. I loved visiting him at CP Rail were he used to work. Monoriting the trains and telling me which trains were sleeping.
Grandpa used to take me to the musuem...I loved it there. He would show me how they used to run the trains and we'd go up into the trains. He even has one of his old motor cycles in there.
When Grandpa retired from CP Rail he got a job and a security guard and the mall. I love going to the mall with my friends for fries at 'Calocole Junction'...there walking by would be my Grandpa. We always met with a big hug and a short conversation.
My Grandpa was the coolest Grandpa riding his crotch rocket with the red seat...zooming down the streets of MJ. His trade mark to other motorcyclists was a 'beep beep' on the horn of his motorcyle and a jerky thumbs up. It didn't matter if you were just another joe on a bike or a hell's would get that signal.
Grandpa is a quite man with few words, but a heart full of love...for his wife, his kids, his MANY grandkids and now his great grandkids.
We love you so!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Father's Day
Father's Day...a day filled with things Dad loves. For my husband that means a dreary day, a hot coffee, a great movie, a walk by a large body of water, and US! Jay loves just resting on the couch on hearing all the noises of the house. The kids playing or arguing....laughing or wrestling. I'm usually tinkering around doing something, too. There is a family movie put on and popcorn popped and some serious snuggling.
All and all the perfect day for our DAD! Happy Father's Day to my Love.
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Fort Adventure
Here we are at a Fort in our area. It was a beautiful sunny day and Justin decided on a whim that he needed to show us around. So we packed a picnic lunch, as we often do, and hopped in the car and were off for an old time adventure. The Fort was amazing. There is still one of the oldest building there from the original Fort in it's authentic white wash. The boys ofcourse had an agenda...The Black Smith's Shop. They wanted to make a "J" hook. So we went over and learned about making nails...LOL! More to come on that later...da da daaaa!
So we panned for gold. Checked out some of the way the explores would have lived. Went to a Wedding (play) and learned how the Natives married the soldiers and why. We learned that women are the reason The Hudson Bay Company started and that without us the fort and it's men would have never survived. The boys barrel races, and carried bails. We checked out the Big House and then back to the Black Smith were, YES! The boy actually got to make there very own "J" hook. With a little help from the Smithess...and for a trade of fruit snacks they got to keep it and bring it home. What could be any better!
So we panned for gold. Checked out some of the way the explores would have lived. Went to a Wedding (play) and learned how the Natives married the soldiers and why. We learned that women are the reason The Hudson Bay Company started and that without us the fort and it's men would have never survived. The boys barrel races, and carried bails. We checked out the Big House and then back to the Black Smith were, YES! The boy actually got to make there very own "J" hook. With a little help from the Smithess...and for a trade of fruit snacks they got to keep it and bring it home. What could be any better!
Adam's Guitar (Gr. 6)
I love the sound of an acoustic guitar. Adam has started to play. He is quite good and has a very powerful strum, which makes a very beautiful sound. I love how the sound echos down the hall and down the stairs to where I am sitting at the kitchen table having my tea.
I see how he is getting confident in his playing and in himself. He is learning to play "Have a Nice Day" by Jon Bon Jovi
. Can you imagine...with all the artists out there today he loves U2 and Bon Jovi. Truely classic artists for my husband and I. I enjoy watching him play so much I forget to grab my camera and get him in action. There are just somethings you have to see with you own two eyes and not just through the lense of the camera. I am very proud of Adam's playing and how excited he is to go to his music teachers house. Adam can't wait to get an electric guitar...we'll see:o) It has be so intersting watching his come into his own thing this year. How he is changing into this little man. Getting ready for middle school...YIKES! So for know I will relish in the echoing sounds of guitar in my house and smile at the way he brings music to my heart. I love you my Adam!
I see how he is getting confident in his playing and in himself. He is learning to play "Have a Nice Day" by Jon Bon Jovi
Thursday, June 10, 2010
13 yrs

I was looking back at all my pics and was thinking of all the wonderful memories I have...WE have. My husband and I are celebrating our 13 yr of marriage this month. A lot of people "oooo...13", but I say, "Ya! Wahoo!.." . 13 is my lucky number and I am loving being married and having a family and sharing my life. It's been a heck of a ride and a whirl wind for sure, but I wouldn't change a thing. My husband loves me more than you could ever know and I love him just the same.
The picture on the right was taken on one of our many outdoor adventures. Jay found this stone and carved our intials into it and placed it on this stump. I love it! It reminds of a poem he once wrote me..."Roses are red, Violets are blue, it's official between me and you" and he signed it " I-L-Y". Which ment I love Y..yellow, yogurt, whatever started with Y. Only because we had just started dating and thought how could I love someone this much so early, but it is what it is and it has lasted for 13+ yrs and I justed wanted to take a moment and cherish my hubby. I Love You! With all my heart, for all my life....ALWAYS.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Friends at the River
What a wonderful way to end the day. Adam decided it was time for him and Justin to break out there bikes and go for a ride. So Jay got them all ready and off we went. Through the secret passage way to "Narnia" and out onto the street, where we dream of houses and trailers and what the future will bring. Through passage #2 and up onto the trail. Most of the time our boys get along...I mean there brother's and boys will be boys, but you get them out on the trail and something amazing happens. They become best friends. Using there imagination, talking about school, the video game they played that morning, and what they will do when we get home. Then there is that famous question..."remember that time?". They laugh and act silly and sometimes when we're walking they walk arm in arm. That reminds me I'm doing a good job.
Today was really no different, but on bikes while Jay and I walked behind listening to them chat and chat ourselves. Except on the way home we past the farm that we always pass and normally the donkey's are in the field "HeeeeHaaaawing", but today there were horses, cows, and 3 baby calves. We usually see calves at Nana and Papa's farm, but today they were right here in the city...on a farm. The little baby calf was right up at the fence and ofcourse my animal lover Adam had to go down and try and feed it. He loves animals soooo much! Next thing you know the horses came over, too. Why bend over when someone will hand the grass right to you?! It was AWESOME. Even Adam said so...."That was the best!"
Once again it reminds me to be thankful for all the little moment life brings to us. How we are so lucky to live in a city that's a country town. How I have the best of both worlds. These are the moments when Life Whisper's.....
Today was really no different, but on bikes while Jay and I walked behind listening to them chat and chat ourselves. Except on the way home we past the farm that we always pass and normally the donkey's are in the field "HeeeeHaaaawing", but today there were horses, cows, and 3 baby calves. We usually see calves at Nana and Papa's farm, but today they were right here in the city...on a farm. The little baby calf was right up at the fence and ofcourse my animal lover Adam had to go down and try and feed it. He loves animals soooo much! Next thing you know the horses came over, too. Why bend over when someone will hand the grass right to you?! It was AWESOME. Even Adam said so...."That was the best!"
Once again it reminds me to be thankful for all the little moment life brings to us. How we are so lucky to live in a city that's a country town. How I have the best of both worlds. These are the moments when Life Whisper's.....
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